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December 28, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

Sonoma Countyurges employers to require proof of COVID-19 booster shot or at leasttwice-weekly testing

Employers should immediately require all workers to get a booster doseof the COVID-19 vaccine, if eligible for one, or get tested at least twiceweekly for COVID under new guidelines issued today by Sonoma County HealthOfficer Dr. Sundari Mase. Read full story

December 28, 2021 | Community Development Commission

Notice of publishing of Environmental Review Record 3575 Mendocino Ave. Phase II

The Sonoma County Community Development Commission, in its capacity as Responsible Entity is making the Environmental Review Record for the for the senior affordable rental housing project known as 3575 Mendocino available for public viewing. View notice Read full story

December 27, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

Sonoma County supportsnew Medi-Cal program CalAIM

Medi-Cal has launchedits reform effort, a new program called California Advancing and InnovatingMedi-Cal, or CalAIM, which will begin impacting local programs on Jan. 1. Agoal of the new program is to make the type of care management and servicesprovided in the current Whole Person Care Pilot Program available statewide,for all eligible Medi-Cal members. Read full story

December 27, 2021 | Community Development Commission

Notice of publishingof Environmental Review Record 414 Petaluma Boulevard North AffordableApartments

The Sonoma County Community Development Commission, in its capacity as Responsible Entity is making the Environmental Review Record for the for the affordable rental housing project known as 414 Petaluma Boulevard North Affordable Apartments available for public viewing. View notice Read full story

December 23, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

Weekly Roundup for Dec. 23, 2021

This week’s digest provides helpful and important updates on the following:1) California announces booster mandate for health workers; 2) Updated localorder requires quarantine when exposed to COVID-19; 3) CDC issues new vaccinerecommendation; 4) Update on vaccines & testing in Sonoma County; 5)Helpful guidance for holiday gatherings, travel; 6) COVID-19 communityresources & support; and 7) Other news items from County of Sonoma. Read full story

December 23, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

El condado de Sonoma requerirá una prueba de refuerzo de la vacuna COVID-19 o al menos dos pruebas semanales para los trabajadores de las escuelas

A medida que aumentan las tasas de casos de COVID-19 y las hospitalizaciones, la Dra. Sundari Mase, funcionaria de salud del condado de Sonoma, emitió hoy una orden de salud para que todas las escuelas del condado de Sonoma requieran que los empleados proporcionen una prueba satisfactoria de que, cuando sean elegibles, han recibido un refuerzo para COVID-19 o comiencen a hacerse pruebas al menos dos veces por semana Read full story

December 23, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

El condado de Sonoma exigirá prueba de vacuna de refuerzo COVID-19 o pruebasde COVID-19 al menos dos veces por semana para grupos de alto riesgo

Antes de que ocurra un aumento de casosanticipado durante este invierno, la Dra. Sundari Mase, oficial de salud delcondado de Sonoma, emitió hoy una orden de salud llamando a todos losempleadores de bomberos, fuerzas del orden, trabajadores de servicios médicosde emergencia, farmacias, consultorios dentales y operadores de refugiostemporales para desastres en el condado de Sonoma, para exigir que su personal sehaga la prueba de COVID-19 al menos dos veces por semana o que presentenpruebas satisfactorias de que han recibido un refuerzo para COVID-19 (si eselegible). Read full story

December 23, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

Sonoma County concludes sale of Chanate campus

Sonoma County hascompleted its sale of the 71-acre Chanate campus to Eddie Haddad of ChanateDevelopment Group, a newly formed LLC, for $15.05 million. Escrow on the site,which is centered around the former Community Hospital, closed today,concluding a long-standing goal for the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors Read full story

December 23, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

Sonoma County to require proof ofCOVID-19 booster shot or at least twice-weekly testing for high-risk groups

In advance of an anticipated winter surge, SonomaCounty Health Officer Dr. Sundari Mase today issued a health order calling for all employers of fire, law enforcement, emergency medical service workers, pharmacies, dental offices and operators of temporary disaster shelters in Sonoma County to require personnel to get tested at least twice weekly for COVID-19 or produce satisfactory evidence that they have received a booster for COVID-19 (if eligible). Read full story

December 23, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

Sonoma County to require proof of COVID-19 booster shotor at least twice weekly testing for workers in schools

As COVID-19 case ratesand hospitalizations increase, Sonoma County Health Officer Dr. Sundari Mase todayissued a health order  for all schools in Sonoma County to requireemployees to provide satisfactory evidence that, when eligible, they havereceived a booster for COVID-19 or begin testing at least twice weekly. Read full story