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August 04, 2021 | Department of Health Services

Combo Feeding - Word on the Street is Rates Are Up.

Has the stress of COVID-19 lowered exclusive breastfeeding rates? Or is it a lack of support? Or something else altogether? Read full story

August 03, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

El Condado de Sonoma seasocia con proveedores privados para aumentar las oportunidades de pruebas de COVID-19

Debido al incremento enlas tasas de casos y a la demanda de pruebas, el Departamento de Servicios deSalud del Condado de Sonoma se ha asociado con cuatro proveedores confiables - Curative, LHI, Salud en Casa Fox – para aumentar los servicios de pruebas contra la COVID-19 para losresidentes del Condado de Sonoma. Read full story

August 03, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

Sonoma County partners withprivate providers to expand COVID-19 testing opportunities

Due to increasing case rates and testing demand, the Sonoma County Departmentof Health Services is partnering with four trusted providers - Curative,LHI, Molecular Matrix, and Fox Home Health - to offer expanded COVID-19 testingservices for Sonoma County residents. Read full story

August 03, 2021 | Department of Health Services

Request for Proposals (RFP) for Substance Use Disorder Services

The County of Sonoma is pleased to invite you to respond toa Request for Proposals for SubstanceUse Disorder Services. Read full story

August 02, 2021 | Board of Supervisors Department

Supervisors Vote to Move County Offices Downtown

On July 27, the Board of Supervisors voted to relocate mostof Sonoma County’s administrative offices to thevacant Sears site in downtown Santa Rosa, citing climate action, transit-orienteddevelopment and the safe and efficient delivery of services as primary driversfor this decision. Read full story

August 02, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

Los Oficiales de Salud del Area de la Bahía Exhortan ala Vacunación Inmediata y Expiden Ordenes que Exigen el Uso de Tapa Bocas enLugares Cerrados para Prevenir Mayores Contagios de la COVID-19

La vacuna sigue protegiendo contra lo más fuertede la COVID-19, pero con la variante Delta del Coronavirus ahora infectandotambién a un porcentaje reducido de las personas vacunadas y a muchas personasque no están vacunadas, ocho oficiales de salud del Area de la Bahía hanexpedido Ordenes de Salud que exigen el uso de tapa bocas en lugares públicos. Read full story

August 02, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

BayArea Health Officials Urge Immediate Vaccination and Issue Orders Requiring Useof Face Coverings Indoors to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19

Vaccination continues to protect against severeCOVID-19 illness, but with the COVID-19 Delta variant now infecting a smallpercentage of vaccinated people as well as many unvaccinated people, eight BayArea health officers have issued Health Orders requiring masks indoors inpublic places. Read full story

July 30, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

Sonoma County expands emergency rental assistance program

With the passage ofAssembly Bill 832, Sonoma County has expanded financial support available totenants and landlords through the Emergency Rental Assistance Program. Read full story

July 30, 2021 | Independent Office of Law Enforcement Review and Outreach

Sheriff’s Department Hiring, Diversity, and Discipline

This message is to remind you about the Community Advisory Council's (CAC's) August 2nd meeting which will start at 6:00pm. Read full story

July 29, 2021 | Independent Office of Law Enforcement Review and Outreach

Sheriff’s Office Accepts CAC's Firearm Recommendation

IOLERO’s July newsletter announces an important change to theSonoma County Sheriff’s Office (SCSO) firearms policy based on a recommendationfrom IOLERO’s Community Advisory Council (CAC). This newsletter will alsodiscuss IOLERO’s new email and physical addresses, a congratulatory shout-outto IOLERO’s interns, an update on Measure P, the August CAC meeting, and aSpotlight feature from Mary-Frances Walsh, the Executive Director at NAMISonoma County (National Alliance on Mental Illness). Read full story