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October 09, 2018 | Board of Supervisors Department

Tolay Lake Regional Park: Master Plan Approved, Park will Open Seven Days a Week

The SonomaCounty Board of Supervisors today approved the Tolay Lake Regional Park masterplan, an action that allows the county’s largest park to open daily later thismonth. Read full story

October 06, 2018 | Natural Resources

Sonoma-Marin Saving Water Partnership Wins National Awards for its Training, Outreach and Education Programs

The Sonoma-Marin Water Saving Partnership (Partnership), a group of North Bay water utilities, has once again been recognized with national awards for its water-saving efforts. Read full story

October 06, 2018 | Natural Resources

Value of Fire Cameras Highlighted in Detectionand Suppression of Wildland Fire East of Geyserville

Two months after the directors of Sonoma Water and theBoard of Supervisors agreed to fund a pilot project of fire cameras to provideearly detection of wildfires, the nascent network of fire-detecting apparatusdemonstrated its value when a camera atop Geyser Peak spotted a recentlyignited fire and allowed firefighters to locate and quickly suppress the blaze. Read full story

October 05, 2018 | Board of Supervisors Department

Sonoma County Releases Alert and Warning Exercise Findings in Report

Sonoma County Division of Emergency Management, in collaboration with local public safety agencies, conducted a first of its kind alert and warning exercise on the West Coast of the United States on September 10 and 12, 2018. Read full story

October 05, 2018 | County Administrator's Office

October SoCo Correspondent

The October 2017 SonomaComplex Fires event had a profound impact on the Sonoma County community. As werebuild and heal, we are mindful that even as we focus on future planning inthe aftermath of our own fire event, our neighboring counties are dealing withfire containment and response, the displacement of community members, and thereality that recovery will be a long and difficult process. Please share the Correspondent with your family and friends, and if you have any ideas of how we can improve the newsletter or other outreach efforts please send us your thoughts to Read our Newsletter Read full story

October 05, 2018 | Department of Health Services

Mental Health Services Act Newsletter October 2018 Issue

The Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) newsletter is published every two to three months by Sonoma County Behavioral Health. Read full story

October 01, 2018 | Department of Health Services

Sonoma County Animal Services Hosts Coffee with an ACO

Sonoma County Animal Services invites members of thecommunity to its Coffee with an ACO (Animal Control Officer) event on WednesdayOctober 3rd from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. at Kaffe Mocha located at 397Aviation Boulevard in Santa Rosa. Read full story

September 28, 2018 | Board of Supervisors Department

Board of Supervisors Approves Formation of Lower Russian River Municipal Advisory Council (MAC)

On Tuesday, September 25, 2018 the Board of Supervisors approved the formation of the municipal advisory council. Read full story

September 26, 2018 | Office of Recovery and Resiliency

Draft Recovery & Resiliency Framework Open for Public Comment

Yesterday, the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors received the Draft Recovery and Resiliency Framework which provides a blueprint to help the county rebuild and recover from the October 2017 wildfires and emerge stronger and better prepared for future disasters. Read full story

September 20, 2018 | Office of Recovery and Resiliency

County, City to Observe One-Year Anniversary of Wildfires

The County of Sonoma and City of Santa Rosa will hold a ceremony on October 8, 2018 in observance of the one year anniversary of the Sonoma Complex fires. The ceremony will include a memorial bell ringing to remember those who lost their lives in the fires and provide an opportunity for community grieving, healing and reflection through public chalk art expression. The chalk art will continue on October 9th. Read full story