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January 02, 2018 | Department of Health Services

Flu Season is Here...Get Vaccinated!

Influenza season is beginning – it is important to get vaccinated every year. Everyone six months and older needs a flu shot. Read full story

December 29, 2017 | Human Resources Department

Value Options Resources

Value Options has webinars, audio clips, calculators, and articles onspecific financial topics that are available online. Read full story

December 28, 2017 | County of Sonoma

Christmas Tree Recycling

Compost and mulch made from Christmas Trees is highly prized for its acidic qualities. Please take advantage of one of the four convenient recycling methods available to you. List of how, when and where trees can be recycled. Read full story

December 22, 2017 | Department of Health Services

Public Notice for Registration Permit for Recology Sonoma Marin

PUBLIC NOTICE ISHEREBY GIVEN, In compliance with AB1497 and California Code of Regulations(CCR), Title 27 Section 21660.3, that the Sonoma County Department of HealthServices, Solid Waste Local Enforcement Agency (LEA) is processing aRegistration Permit for Recology Sonoma Marin. Read full story

December 21, 2017 | Department of Health Services

Self Care Health Advisory

Sonoma County and its residents have faced unprecedented trauma in the face of the recent October fires. The Sonoma County Department of Health Services wants to encourage our community to take care of themselves this holiday season by being attuned to the needs of our minds and bodies. Read full story

December 20, 2017 | Office of Recovery and Resiliency

New County Office Focuses on Wildfire Recovery, Resiliency

The Office of Recovery and Resiliency will work with the Board of Supervisors to create a roadmap to help Sonoma County recover from the October 2017 fires. Read full story

December 19, 2017 | Office of Recovery and Resiliency

Sonoma County Supervisors Create Office of Recovery and Resiliency

The County of Sonoma Board of Supervisors Approved a Resolution Creating the Office of Recovery and Resiliency to develop a strategy for helping Sonoma County rebuild from the 2017 wildfires. Read full story

December 05, 2017 | Auditor-Controller Treasurer-Tax Collector Department

NewBudget Report Filters for Fund and Reimbursements

We have added two new drop down filter options to improve users ability to review their budgets and to easily provide information for quarterly adjustments. Read full story

November 28, 2017 | Auditor-Controller Treasurer-Tax Collector Department

EFSPeopleSoft Annual Catch-up Event Milestone Update

TheEFS Support Organization has adjusted the Annual Catch-up Event (ACE)milestones as a result of the wildfires. Read full story

November 28, 2017 | Department of Health Services

Summary of Proposals Now Available

Members of the Lower Russian River Homeless Task Force have selected six organizations to receive funding to house 50 individuals experiencing homelessness and mitigate the effects of homelessness in the Lower Russian River. The document below outlines summaries of the proposals and the rationale of the review panel for the funding amounts determined. The recommendations will be brought before the Board of Supervisors at their regularly scheduled Hearing on December 5, 2017. Read full story