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Sonoma Public Infrastructure

Facilities Development & Management Division

News Index

September 26, 2019 | Sonoma Public Infrastructure

Demolition Funding Approved by Board of Supervisors

On September 24th the Board of Supervisors voted to approve $10.8 million toward demolition of the blighted buildings on the Chanate Campus. Read full story

August 16, 2019 | Sonoma Public Infrastructure

Surplus Sale Proposals: CalCHA Withdraws

On August 15, 2019, the County received formal notice from CalCHA withdrawing their proposal. The Board of Supervisors item regarding Chanate remains scheduled for August 20, 2019. At the meeting, the Board will consider options including awarding to one of the other bidders, or exploring the feasibility of removing the vacant structures and improving value. Read full story

August 01, 2019 | Sonoma Public Infrastructure

Chanate Campus - Agenda Item Postponed

Chanate Campus - Agenda Item Postponed. In order to respond to the community's questions and provide additional time for public consideration, County Staff have postponed the agenda item until August 20, 2019. Read full story

July 29, 2019 | Sonoma Public Infrastructure

Chanate Meetings Now on YouTube

Community meetings were held Wednesday, July 24 and Thursday, July 25, 2019. The meetings were webcast and recorded, and both are now available on the new General Services Department YouTube site. County staff and leadership are now working to provide answers to the many questions that were submitted; they will be published on the Chanate website in due course. Read full story

July 25, 2019 | Sonoma Public Infrastructure

Community Engaged in Consecutive Meetings

County leadership met with the community at Chanate Rotunda last night to discuss the Chanate surplus sale process. Read full story

July 23, 2019 | Sonoma Public Infrastructure

Board Continues Discussion on Chanate

Board Continues Discussion on Chanate Sale Read full story

July 22, 2019 | Sonoma Public Infrastructure

Bid Information and Recommendation July 22 2019

On Tuesday July 23rd, the Board of Supervisors will consider a recommendation from the General Services Department to move forward with the process of selling the Chanate surplus property to the California Community Housing Agency (CalCHA), and release all other proposals. Read full story

June 10, 2019 | Sonoma Public Infrastructure


The General Services Department received three responses to the Surplus Notice. The respondents are: EAH Housing (ScottJohnson) California Housing Agency (Scott Carper), and OSL Properties, LLC Read full story

June 04, 2019 | Sonoma Public Infrastructure

Chanate Property Update

On October 23, 2018, the Board directed staff to dispose of the Chanate property as surplus following California Government Code Section 54220 Read full story