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Man Sentenced To 23 Years, 8 Months Prison
Defendant Francisco Javier Gonzalez-Mejia, 22 years-old of Petaluma, was sentenced today by the Honorable Christopher Honigsberg to serve 23 years, 8 months in state prison after pleading no contest in January to the charges of gross vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated, felony driving with a .08% blood alcohol content causing injury, and fleeing the scene of an accident resulting in death and serious bodily injury. Read full story
CripGang Members Sentenced to Life in Prison for Murder, Home Invasion Robberies
Defendants Jonathan Jackson 21 years old, DavidEaley 25 years old, and Tyrone McRae 27 years old, all from Richmond Virginia,were sentenced today by the Honorable Christopher Honigsberg to serve lifesentences in state prison after having pled no contest to charges related tothe 2018 home invasion robberies of two Sonoma County homes and the murder ofone of the occupants Jose Torres. Read full story
Nomination period extended for select races in November 3, 2020 consolidated general election
Candidate nominations for select school, city, and special district offices have been extended to Wednesday, Aug. 12, for any qualified person, except the incumbent(s), because one or more of the incumbent(s) did not file. Offices for which nominations have been extended include the following: Read full story
Los supervisores desean saber la opinión pública sobre la asignación de los fondos de PG&E hasta el 4 de septiembre
El martes 11 de agosto, la Junta de Supervisores del Condado de Sonoma discutirá la asignación de $149 millones en fondos producto del acuerdo con Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E). La Junta busca el aporte del público para saber en qué se deben gastar dichos fondos, antes de tomar una decisión final. Read full story
Supervisorsseek public input on allocation of PG&E funds until September 4, 2020
TheSonoma County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, Aug. 11, will discuss theallocation of $149 million in Pacific Gas & Electric settlement funds andis seeking public input on how the funds should be spent before making a finaldecision. Read full story
Child Molester Receives Life Sentence
Defendant LarryRobert Whyte, 71-year--old, was sentenced today by the Honorable PeterOttenweller to serve 32 years, 4 months-to-life in state prison after havingbeen convicted by a jury in January of committing 10 felony sex offensesagainst a child. Read full story
Supervisores aprueban multas para fomentar el cumplimiento público de las órdenes de salud COVID-19
La Junta de Supervisores del condado de Sonoma aprobó hoy una ordenanza de cumplimiento del código de salud que permite emitir multas que van desde $100 para individuos hasta $10,000 para empresas por incumplimiento de las órdenes de salud locales y estatales relacionadas con el coronavirus. Read full story
Supervisors approve fines to encourage public compliance with COVID-19 health orders
The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors today approved a codeenforcement ordinance that allows the issuing of citations ranging from $100for individuals up to $10,000 for businesses for noncompliance with local andstate health orders related to the coronavirus. Read full story
El Condado de Sonoma expande la administración de pruebas de anticuerpos al personal de escuelas
A partir del día de hoy, las pruebas de anticuerpos estarán a la disposición de los residentes del Condado de Sonoma que estén empleados en el sector escolar en la actualidad o que hayan sido empleados de escuelas durante el año lectivo 2019-2020. Read full story
Countyof Sonoma Expands Antibody Testing to Include School Personnel
Beginning today, antibody testing will beavailable for Sonoma County residents who are employed in school settingscurrently or were employed during the 2019-20 academic year. Read full story