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January 16, 2019 | Board of Supervisors Department

Actualización sobre Tormenta: Existen Posibilidades De Deslizamientos En Zonas Quemadas Durante la Noche

El Servicio Nacional de Meteorología ha emitido varias alertas en relación a la tormenta invernal que pasa por el Condado de Sonoma y que se extenderá hasta el jueves 17 de enero de 2019. Las fuertes lluvias que se pronostican para la noche crean potencial para que se generen deslizamientos de tierra en las áreas quemadas por los incendios de octubre de 2017. Read full story

January 15, 2019 | Office of the District Attorney

January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month

January is designated as National Human Trafficking Awareness Month.  The annual event has been recognized since January 2010 in an effort to bring attention to the epidemic of human trafficking in this country. Read full story

January 14, 2019 | Department of Human Services

Algunos beneficiaros de CalFresh podrán recibir subsidios anticipados debido al cierre del gobierno federal

El estado de California repartirá los subsidios de CalFresh de febrero de manera anticipada debido a que el cierre del gobierno federal podría causar que no se generen nuevos auxilios de alimentos para el mes de febrero. Read full story

January 14, 2019 | Natural Resources

Faulty Valve Leads to Sonoma Valley Wastewater Spill

A faultyvalve resulted in the accidental release of 2 million gallons of untreatedwastewater from a pipeline in the Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District(District). The leak occurred at Schell Slough in Sonoma Valley, and the wastewaterflowed into the slough. Read full story

January 09, 2019 | Department of Health Services

Mobile Support Team ExpandingServices to West County and Sonoma Valley

The Sonoma County MobileSupport Team (MST), a crisis response program that supports local lawenforcement responding to individuals experiencing a mental health emergency, is expanding its services beginning January15, 2019. Read full story

January 04, 2019 | Permit Sonoma

Community Rises to Housing Challenge

We hear you! Thanks toeveryone that responded to the County’s request for help in identifyingpotential sites in unincorporated areas to rezone for housing. As of 1/4/19, wereceived submissions for 42 parcels to evaluate for rezoning. Of those parcelsin the unincorporated area, there is a total of about 100 acres with apotential for approximately 2,000 new housing units. Read full story

December 28, 2018 | Department of Human Services

Santa Rosa Veterans Service Office Drop-In Hours Increase on January 14, 2019

Santa Rosa Veterans Service Office Drop-In Hours Increase on January 14, 2019 Read full story

December 28, 2018 | Department of Human Services

Would You Make a Great Foster Parent?

Would You Make a Great Foster Parent? Find the Answer at Explore Foster Parenting Talks Santa Rosa CA Everyday, 50-75 Sonoma County children and teens need a safe place to live in our community. Read full story

December 27, 2018 | Office of the District Attorney

Chronic Car Thief Convicted by Jury

District Attorney Jill Ravitch has announced that defendant Sergio Espinoza-Villalobos, 23 years old of Santa Rosa, was found guilty today by a Sonoma County jury of driving or taking a motor vehicle without consent, his fourth conviction for such conduct in the last 14 months. Read full story

December 26, 2018 | Permit Sonoma

Help Us Find Housing Sites

Help Us Find Housing Sites Santa Rosa CA As the County continues ourinitiative to produce more housing, we need your help in finding sites. Read full story