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County Administrator's Office

Sonoma County Cannabis Program

Cannabis Program Update & Environmental Impact Report

Updated Draft Documents Now Available

Permit Sonoma has released a final draft Cannabis Land Use Ordinance, General Plan Amendment, and other documents. Revisions were made to certain documents published on April 2, 2024 in response to public input received during the public comment period. Comments may continue to be submitted at any time throughout this process, both before and after publication of the Draft EIR. 

A Frequently Asked Questions document has been created, which aims to address questions received in response to the last publication. 

The project timeline has been revised. The Draft EIR is scheduled to be published for a 45-day public review period starting in January 2025.

Link to revised Draft Cannabis Land Use Ordinance, General Plan Amendment, and other documents (SoCoCloud link) Released July 9, 2024

Frequently Asked Questions  (PDF: 443 KB)

Link to Timeline

Draft Cannabis Land Use Ordinance Public Comment and Documents

On April 2, 2024, Permit Sonoma released a draft Cannabis Land Use Ordinance, Draft General Plan Amendment and other documents. A public comment period was open through May 3, 2024. 

Link to public comment received during the comment period (SoCo Cloud link)

Link to Draft Cannabis Land Use Ordinance, General Plan Amendment, and other documents (SoCo Cloud link) Released April 2, 2024

Link to interactive Cannabis Ordinance Update GIS map

Notice of Preparation and Public Scoping Meeting for the Cannabis EIR

The County prepared and released a Notice of Preparation (NOP) on February 6, 2023, held a virtual public scoping meeting on March 8, 2023, and provided a public comment period through March 23, 2023 to allow an opportunity for agency staff and interested members of the public to submit written and verbal comments on the scope of the environmental issues to be addressed in the EIR. The NOP provides a brief summary of the Update, the County’s preliminary identification of the potential environmental issues to be analyzed in the EIR, and information on how to provide comments. The scoping meeting included a presentation on elements of the Cannabis Program Update, a summary of the NOP, and the broader CEQA process to come. 

Read the Notice of Preparation (PDF: 953 KB)

Link to Scoping Meeting PowerPoint Presentation (English and Spanish)

Scoping Meeting Zoom Recording

Link to comments received during the NOP public review period (February 6, 2023 through March 23, 2023)

Ascent Environmental, Inc. selected as consultant for Cannabis Program Update EIR and Economic Analysis

Permit Sonoma released a Request for Proposals (RFP) on May 20, 2022, to solicit proposals to prepare a Programmatic EIR and an Economic Analysis in support of the Comprehensive Cannabis Program Update. Two firms responded with proposals for the requested scope of work: Ascent Environmental, Inc. and Rincon Consultants, Inc. 

County staff evaluated and scored both proposals in accordance with the evaluation criteria outlined in the RFP. The review panel consisted of four staff members from the Planning Division of Permit Sonoma and one staff member from the County Administrator’s Office. Ascent was unanimously scored as the preferred bidder because of the proposal’s strong emphasis on environmental review streamlining of future cannabis applications and demonstrated experience conducting similar environmental reviews for other California county cannabis land use ordinances. 

The Board of Supervisors approved the selection on October 4, 2022. 

Item Materials on Board of Supervisors Agenda website

Review the proposals

Read the Request for Proposals

Cannabis Program Update & EIR Public Comment

Public comment received regarding the Cannabis Program Update & EIR will be published on a monthly basis.

Review public comment

Comprehensive Cannabis Program Update Study Session - September 28, 2021

On June 8, 2021, the Board of Supervisors directed staff to complete a comprehensive update of the cannabis program, based on community input and an Environmental Impact Report (EIR). As a first step in this three-year process, staff relaunched public outreach and engagement by holding eight virtual visioning sessions, twelve small group outreach sessions, and conducting a county-wide survey.

This study session provided an opportunity for staff to update the Board on the results of the outreach, and receive direction regarding overall program goals and policy options. This workshop also served as a forum for additional public input on the goals of the project.

Item Materials on Board of Supervisors Agenda website