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Supplemental Information for Employees
Issued March 15 2020
In light of the rapidly changing situation and in anticipation of some County facility closures, we are providing sample scenarios and pay information for employees. This is not an exhaustive list, so if there are circumstances which are not outlined below, please contact your department human resources liaison or payroll clerk for further direction. These scenarios supplements the communication to employees issued on 3/14/2020, which included information on the advance of 80 hours of sick leave accruals to all regular County employees (pro-rated for part-time based on fte).
This information is current as of 3/15/2020, through 4/3/2020, and subject to change, based on the evolving health crisis:
Assigned to Work On Site or Telework
Employee Scenario (for allocated employees) | Pay |
Employee assigned to work on-site. | Considered regular work time. Paid as usual. Complete
timecard using appropriate codes as provided by Payroll. |
Department approves full time telework to (or
combination of telework and on-site work). | Considered regular work time. Paid as usual. Complete
timecard using appropriate codes as provided by Payroll. |
Department approves part-time telework or on- site work, but total work hours are less than the employee’s normally scheduled hours. | Track all hours worked including telework and on-site work. Employee available for disaster service work, if needed, for remaining work hours. Track DSW hours on timecard, too, using the appropriate codes provided by Payroll. For any remaining hours needed to meet total FTE, Disaster Paid Not Work hours will be applied.
(County paid time.). |
Assigned to work on-site or telework, but unable to work due to own illness or care of a sick family member (as described in the MOU or Salary
Resolution). | Employee applies sick, vacation and comp hours to cover time not worked, as outlined in the MOU or Salary Resolution. |
Assigned to work on-site or telework, but unable to work (or has limited ability to work) due to childcare issues (school/daycare closures due to
health emergency). | For hours worked, employee receives pay as usual. For time not worked, employee will use vacation, sick, and comp time. |
Pre Approved Vacation
Employee Scenario (for allocated employees) | Pay |
Employee was scheduled for approved vacation or
sick leave prior to facility closure. | Employee uses vacation, comp and sick leave accruals,
as outlined in the MOU or Salary Resolution. |
Work Not Available
Employee Scenario (for allocated employees) | Pay |
Work not available on-site or via telework, and employee not assigned Disaster Service Work. | Employee will receive DPNW for any non-work hours in the pay period needed to meet their full FTE. |
Disaster Service Worker
Employee Scenario (for allocated employees) | Pay |
Assigned to perform Disaster Service Work. | Track hours of disaster service work, and any telework or essential/on-site work hours (if applicable); for any remaining hours needed to meet total FTE, Disaster Paid Not Work hours will be applied through April 3, 2020.
(County paid time.). |
Assigned to perform Disaster Service Work, but unable to due to childcare issues related to health
emergency closures. | Employee will receive DPNW for any non-work hours in the pay period needed to meet their full FTE. |
Assigned to perform Disaster Service Work, but unable to due to childcare issues due to regularly
scheduled school closures (spring break, etc.) | Employee uses vacation, comp and sick leave accruals to cover time not worked, as outlined in the MOU or Salary
Resolution. |
Assigned to perform Disaster Service Work, but unable to due to illness or need to care for an ill family member (as defined in the MOU or Salary
Resolution). | Employee applies sick, vacation and comp hours to cover time not worked, as outlined in the MOU or Salary Resolution. |
Employee Illness or Quarantine
Employee Scenario (for allocated employees) | Pay |
Employee ill, quarantined, or taking care of an ill family member (as defined in MOU/Salary
Resolution). | Employee uses sick, vacation, comp accruals to cover time not worked, as provided under the MOU or Salary
Resolution. |
Extra-Help Employees
Employee Scenario (for allocated employees) | Pay |
Extra-Help employees who were schedule to work, are able to work, but are not assigned essential
duties, telework, or disaster service work. | Extra-Help employees will be eligible to receive DPNW for hours they were regularly scheduled to work,
through 4/3/2020. |
Work available, but employee is unable to work due to school closure, illness, or school/daycare
closure related to public health emergency. | Employee may use sick leave accruals scheduled work time. Sick leave use cap is suspended during this health
crisis event. |
Work available, but employee is unable to work due to school closure related to regularly
scheduled school closure (spring break, etc.) | Unpaid. |