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Human Resources Department

Employee Relations Division


Employee Relations 750

Employee Relations is available to support department management with responding to a grievance.  Managers should first report a grievance to your department HR Liaison.  If the grievance continues past the first step, or you need additional direction, contact your Employee Relations Analyst for assistance. 

Grievance Process

A grievance may be filed when an employee or Union representative believes their employer has taken an action that is in violation of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). Refer to the respective MOU's for grievance procedures and timelines.

In general, the fist step of the grievance process is a verbal meeting with the employee's supervisor. This is called an informal grievance.

If the employee is not satisfied with the outcome of the first meeting, a formal grievance (Step II) may be submitted by the employee and/or Union to the supervisor in writing. The employee should contact their Union Representative for assistance with this process.

Employees covered by the Salary Resolution may contact Employee Relations directly with any issues concerning the interpretation of the Salary Resolution.