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Human Resources Department

Occupational Safety & Health Unit

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan

Water drop in pool with reflection 500

The SWPPP is a site-specific written document that should identify regulated industrial or construction operations, and should identify pollution control practices that the site is implementing to prevent and minimize pollutants from reaching storm-water runoff. The SWPPP (sometimes referred to as SWP3 or SWP2 or SWPPP) to secure required by Storm-water Permits pursuant to the local permitting authority’s adopted National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program authorized by Clean Water Act. Thus, the SWPPP is required under California’s Industrial General Permit pursuant to California’s NPDES program. Among other things, the SWPPP requires Best Management Practices to prevent or minimize storm-water pollution.

To get more information on the applicability of this program for a specific County operation please contact the corresponding departmental Safety Coordinator

For further information on specific regulatory guidelines please refer to the link(s) below:

Hazardous Materials Business Plan

Emergency Action Plan

Spill Response

National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (EPA)

Industrial General Permit (Cal-SWRCB)

Industrial Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (Cal-SWRCB)

Construction Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (Cal-SWRCB)