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Human Resources Department

Workforce Development


Organizational Development Image

Consultant List

Examples of Organizational Development (OD) consultant services include training, coaching, facilitation, mediation, project management, etc.

Contact the Training & Development Analyst at Workforce Development for requests.


Please follow this process:

  1. Contact Workforce Development (HR-WD) re: availability of OD Consultant (based on remaining contract allocation and known upcoming work).
  2. If needed, complete the OD Consultant Request Form.
  3. Department contacts OD Consultant to negotiate work plan/budget.
  4. Department obtains written proposal from OD Consultant. Note, proposal should include deliverables, timeframe, and cost/NTE amount.
  5. Statement of Work (SOW) is drafted using HR-WD's SOW TEMPLATE by either option:
    • Department drafts, incorporating proposal as Attachment A, or
    • Forward proposal to HR-WD Analyst to draft.
  6. Completed SOW must be reviewed by HR-WD for review, approval and execution.
  7. After SOW is fully executed, Department/Agency schedules logistics with OD Consultant.
  8. Per the SOW language, OD Consultant must send all invoices to Department/Agency contact and HR-WD Analyst.
  9. Department routes OD Consultant invoices for payment through normal Department process - HR-WD Analyst and WD Manager should be copied.