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Sonoma Public Infrastructure

Mission Vision Goals and Values

General Services 750

Sonoma Public Infrastructure's offices are now located at 400 Aviation Blvd, Suite 100, Santa Rosa, CA 95403.

Mission Statement

SPI's divisions formerly known as General Services plan, provide, and manage efficient, reliable and innovative services to County Clients so they may effectively fulfill their mission to the public.


  • To efficiently provide quality service and support for our customers so that the best interests of Sonoma County are served.
  • To work in partnership with our customers to ensure continued responsiveness to their immediate and long-term needs.
  • To continuously evaluate and improve the quality of service we provide.
  • To earn the respect, trust, and cooperation of the customers we serve.
  • To select, develop, and retain the people we need to be successful.
  • To take a leadership role in developing and implementing long-range plans.

Our Vision

Sonoma Public Infrastructure believes the people of Sonoma County should receive excellent and economical County government services. To that end, it is essential that the departments providing these services directly to the public have access to high quality and cost-effective support services. Sonoma Public Infrastructure is uniquely qualified to provide leadership and deliver high quality and cost-effective support services in our areas of expertise through our special technical knowledge and our understanding of County culture, rules, needs, and priorities.

Our Goals

Sonoma Public Infrastructure will strive to accomplish the following goals:
  1. Be a customer focused organization:
    • communicate with, understand, and strive to meet our customers’ needs and expectations
    • develop and sustain partnerships with our customers
  2. Develop high quality individual and team performance:
    • support training in technical skills and teamwork
    • make decisions and take responsibility at the lowest possible level in the organization
    • show respect for all employees
    • insure that all employees know and understand their job, responsibility and authority
    • solicit staff input for operational decisions
    • acknowledge and reward employees for their successes, creativity, and innovation
    • hire employees who:
      1. are committed to the mission, values and goals of the department
      2. have superior qualifications, and
      3. have the skills and experience to work effectively in teams
  3. Be a proactive, responsive, and flexible organization:
    • listen to employees and customers
    • keep abreast of industry changes and opportunities in our various disciplines
    • balance our customer’s interests with those of the County as a whole
    • streamline internal processes while complying with external regulations
  4. Provide services for the best value:
    • understand the County’s needs
    • deliver quality products and services
    • reduce cost of services while maintaining quality service
    • provide leadership, planning and guidance in our areas of expertise

SPI's divisions formerly known as General Services Values Statement

  • We show respect for employees, customers, and others.
  • We are honest in interactions with others and in business dealings.
  • We are fair towards others and in business decisions.
  • We recognize humor and use it as a healthy element in the workplace.
  • We encourage and practice open and direct interaction.
  • We strive for excellence in performance and work output.