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Department of Health Services

Healthy Eating Active Living (HEAL)

Active Transportation Programs

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Vision Zero

Vision Zero is a strategy to end all traffic fatalities and severe injuries, while increasing safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all, through a variety of programs, campaigns, and infrastructure investments. By making the streets safer for all road users, particularly pedestrians and cyclists, Sonoma County hopes to promote active transportation (walking and bicycling).

In October 2019, the Sonoma County Transportation Authority launched a Vision Zero planning process in partnership with the Department of Health Services, funded by a Caltrans Sustainable Communities Planning Grant. The Vision Zero Advisory Committee (VZAC) is comprised of members from all ten jurisdictions within the County, as well as non-profit organizations, community members, and public health and safety agencies. The VZAC will identify high-injury traffic areas, and set specific and measureable safety goals to complete and finalize a Sonoma County Vision Zero Action Plan. We are committed to achieving zero traffic deaths and severe injuries on county roadways by 2030.

More information about the Sonoma County Vision Zero program, including the Vision Zero Action Plan, can be found here:

Email for more information about the Vision Zero Advisory Committee.

Santa Rosa Safe Routes to School Task Forces

Santa Rosa Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Task Forces or related Committees may be established in local jurisdictions to enable stakeholders to work together to identify and prioritize Safe Routes to School infrastructure projects and policies, and provide direction and support toward implementation of the program within that jurisdiction. Participants may include school and/or school district administration, city council, public works and/or planning staff, law enforcement, public health, community leaders, parents, and other relevant stakeholders.