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Human Services Department

Human Services News Index

April 25, 2019 | Department of Human Services

Call (707) 565-INFO for Answers to Concerns about Aging

Starting May 1, older adults can talk with experienced Sonoma County Adult & Aging Division social workers by calling a new information and assistance line at for answers to questions about a host of aging issues and get referrals to helpful community and government services. Santa Rosa, California. Read full story

April 19, 2019 | Department of Human Services

El Condado Busca la Opinión del Público Acerca de losServicios Para Adultos de Mayor Edad

La Agencia de Envejecimiento (AAA) invita a los residentes del Condado de Sonoma de toda edad a contribuir sus opiniones acerca de los programas y servicios futuros para adultos, adultos de mayor edad, personas con discapacidades, y a los proveedores (personas que proveen cuidado en casa para personas mayores de edad o con discapacidades) al completar la encuesta Evaluación para las Necesidades de la Comunidad a más tardar el 30 de junio. Read full story

April 16, 2019 | Department of Human Services

County Survey Seeks Public Input about Older Adult Services

The Area Agency on Aging (AAA) invites Sonoma County residents ofall ages to offer input on future programs and services for older adults, seniors, personswith disabilities, and local caregivers by completing itscountywide Senior NeedsAssessment Survey by June 30. Read full story

April 16, 2019 | Department of Human Services

Caregivers Offered Free, LGBT+ OlderAdults Awareness Trainings in May and June

Sonoma County caregivers can earn $25 and become certified to care for older and disabled adults at free, LGBT+ Awareness Trainings in May and June. The four-hour classes help improve caregivers’ skills when working with two often hidden and underserved populations, LGBT+ older adults and LGBT+ adults with disabilities. Read full story

April 02, 2019 | Department of Human Services

Los Beneficios de CalFresh llegan el 1 de mayo; Los beneficios de abril fueron añadidos en marzo

Los Beneficios de CalFresh llegan el 1 de mayo; Los beneficios de abril fueron añadidos en marzo. Read full story

April 02, 2019 | Department of Human Services

May CalFresh Benefits to Arrive May 1; April Benefits Added March 22

The State of California will issue May CalFresh benefits in a single day on May 1. April benefits were added early, on March 22. Santa Rosa, CA. Read full story

March 18, 2019 | Department of Human Services

FreeLGBT+ Awareness Training for Caregivers Starts April 11

2019-03-18 false Immediate FreeLGBT+ Awareness Training for Caregivers Starts April 11 Santa Rosa CA Caregivers are invited to improve their skills by attending one of eight, free, LGBT+ Awareness Trainings through November hosted by the IHSS Public Authority, Sonoma County Area Age Read full story

March 18, 2019 | Department of Human Services

Capacitación Gratuita Sobre Concienciaciónde LGBT+ para Cuidadores

Los cuidadores están invitados a mejorar sus habilidades asistiendo a una de las ocho capacitaciones gratuitas de Concientización Sobre LGBT+ hasta noviembre. Los programas gratuitos capacitarán y certificarán a 180 proveedores de atención médica sobre cómo mejorar los servicios para adultos mayores LGBT+ del Condado de Sonoma y adultos con discapacidades LGBT+. Santa Rosa, California Read full story

March 14, 2019 | Department of Human Services

Free April 17 Job Fair Matches Local Employers and Job Seekers

Sonoma County employers from all industries can meet qualified job seekers at a free local job fair hosted by Sonoma County Job Link and the Workforce Investment Board (WIB). Both job seekers and employers can sign up to attend the Wednesday, April 17 job fair, held 11 a.m.–2p.m., at Job Link, 2227 Capricorn Way, Suite 100, Santa Rosa. Read full story

March 13, 2019 | Department of Human Services

Protect Yourself! Improve Balance, Prevent Falls at FreeTrainings

Older adults can improve balance, flexibility and strength and get helpful tips to make home safer by attending a free, eight-class series based on the nationally acclaimed program, A Matter of Balance: Managing Concerns about Falls. Near Santa Rosa, CA. Read full story