Human Services Department
The Local Master Plan for Aging (MPA) is an initiative to create a Sonoma County plan to promote healthy aging throughout the lifespan.
The Aging & Disability Commission advocates on behalf of older adults 60+, people with disabilities, and caregivers. The Commission makes recommendations to the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors.
The IHSS Public Authority Advisory Committee gives input and advice about In-Home Supportive Services in Sonoma County.
Call us, email us, chat us! Talk directly to a social worker to ask about resources for older adults, people with disabilities and their caregivers.
Look here for RFQs or to apply to provide vendor services.
Report elder and dependant adult abuse 24/7
Get information on benefits available to veterans and their families.
Chat online or on the phone about support to stay living at home safely and more.
Find local resources for seniors and people with disabilities.
Earn money with flexible hours while providing housekeeping and basic in-home assistnace.