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Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council

Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council

The roles and responsibilities for the Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council include the following:

  • Develop and update the Comprehensive Multi-agency Juvenile Justice Plan describing the Sonoma County community’s vision and action plan for improving the juvenile justice continuum in Sonoma County, as described in California Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC) 749.22;
  • Provide the leadership to the Juvenile Justice Realignment Subcommittee as described in WIC 1995; and,
  • Provide input on Sonoma County’s Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention Act-Youthful Offender Block Grant Annual Plan described in California Government Code 30061(b)(4).

The Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council aims for diverse leadership representing multiple community sectors. The JJCC is governed by the Brown Act. The JJCC Charter and JJCC Bylaws are available for download. 

More details including authority, vacancies, duties, membership composition, and terms

Apply for a position on the JJCC

The JJCC currently has two vacancies for community-based organizations (CBO).  JJCC members serve a two-year term, are expected to attend quarterly meetings, and participate as a committee member, if assigned to one of the committees.

Applicants for the At-Large Community Representative must be a resident of Sonoma County and be at least 18 years of age.

At Large Letter of Interest (PDF)

Community-based organizations must be local or regionally based, serve the youth of Sonoma County, and be part of the juvenile justice continuum.

CBO Letter of Interest (PDF)

Email with any questions.