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Office of Recovery and Resiliency

Recovery Framework

In December, 2018, the Board of Supervisors approved the Recovery and Resiliency Framework to serve as a vision and approach for how Sonoma County will recover and emerge more resilient from the October 2017 wildfires.

The Framework

The Framework was prepared by the County’s Office of Recovery and Resiliency in collaboration with other County departments and agencies, cities and other jurisdictions, nonprofits, and other community stakeholders.

This Framework is a culmination of input provided by community members and stakeholders during an extensive community engagement period that included seven countywide community meetings, an online survey, and feedback meetings with over 80 community organizations and local partners.

The Framework draws from the structure, functions, roles, and principles in the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s National Disaster Recovery Framework and focuses on five key strategic areas: 

  1. Community preparedness and infrastructure
  2. Housing
  3. Economy
  4. Safety Net Services 
  5. Natural Resources

Action Items

The Framework references the list of Action Items that will be used to help achieve the goals in the Framework. The Action Items identify implementation and funding status and the role the County plays for each action.