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Office of Recovery and Resiliency

Priority Projects

Through input from Block Captains and Board Members, 10 Priority Projects have been identified:

  • Establish an Alert and Warning System 
  • Work with the community to identify hazards, risks, mitigation strategies, including evacuation routes
  • Facilitate construction hardening techniques appropriate for wildfire urban interfaces and seismic retrofits for rebuilding and for existing homes through education and grant programs. 
  • Work with private utility providers on solutions related to hardening infrastructure and on coping with destroyed utilities in a disaster, including undergrounding where appropriate and necessary. 
  • Help property owners navigate vegetation management opportunities through partnership with Fire Safe Sonoma and similar programs.
  • Continue to advocate for substantive changes to insurance regulations.
  • Community Awareness strategies we’ve been doing such as the recent mailers on Watershed Protection and Defensible Space. 
  • Expedited Permitting for homeowners who are rebuilding
  • Enhance the 2-1-1 System 
  • Develop a One-Stop Shop Resource Center