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Human Resources Department

Workforce Development

Tier 4: Executive

Tier 4: Executive

Workforce Development is updating our executive leadership program. The next cohort is tentatively scheduled for Fall 2024. Further announcements will be forthcoming.

The updated program will focus on long-term personal and communitywide well-being. It is being designed for those who are committed to continuous improvement in ethical and impactful leadership. Participants will learn and practice principles that guide their decision-making and actions, ensuring that their leadership contributes to successful service for the County and its residents.

The program's goals are to create a more inclusive and diverse workplace, promote equitable opportunities for employees, and create a culture of belonging to a well-knit team.

NOTE: Tier 4 is available to Senior County Leaders including department heads, deputies, or those who serve on an executive management team who oversee a department, unit, or division.

Registering for classes is easy.

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NOTE: you will need your network login credentials to access the system.

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