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Department of Health Services

Homelessness Services


July 09, 2024 | Department of Health Services

RFP for Point in Time (PIT) Homeless Count and Survey

The County of Sonoma Department of Health Services (DHS) is pleased to invite you to respond to a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Point in Time (PIT) Homeless Count and Survey. The Department of Health Services (DHS) currently serves as the Lead Agency for the Sonoma County Homeless Coalition (HC) and provides core administrative and staff support.

April 02, 2024 | Department of Health Services

FY 2024 CoC Renewal Evaluations: Rating & Ranking Process for the Continuum of Care Competition (Materials due May 01, 2024)

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires that local CoC’s prioritize all renewal and new projects submitted in our consolidated application for the CoC Program. As in previous years, CoC staff will work on the evaluation of existing projects, also called “renewal” projects, prior to the release of HUD’s Continuum of Care Program Notice of Funding Opportunity.

March 29, 2024 | Department of Health Services

Racial Equity Workgroup Vacancies - Application Period now Open!

We are excited to announce an opportunity for passionate and committed individuals to join the Racial Equity Workgroup as we continue our important journey toward a more just and equitable system of homeless services!

June 18, 2024 | Department of Health Services

Preliminary 2024 Point-in-Time homeless count numbers rise as COVID-era programs end

After registering a decrease of 22 percent of people experiencing homelessness in Sonoma County in 2023, preliminary results of the Sonoma County Point-in-Time count for 2024 recorded an overall 11 percent increase. The annual one-day snapshot, conducted on January 26 from 5 to 10 a.m. across Sonoma County, located a total of 2,522 people experiencing homelessness, up from 2,266 in 2023

December 14, 2023 | Department of Health Services

Memorial to honor lives lost in Sonoma County’s unhoused community

On December 21, National Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day, HomeFirst and the Sonoma County Department of Health Services will host a memorial to honor individuals who lost their lives over the last year while living without housing in Sonoma County. The event will take place at the Arlene Francis Center, 99 6th St., Santa Rosa, from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

September 12, 2023 | Department of Health Services

Sonoma County to transition homeless shelter sites; annual survey shows decrease in homelessness

The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors today voted to replace the Emergency Shelter Site at the County campus with housing systems that are longer-term. The discussion came as the Supervisors received a report that showed the number of homeless individuals in Sonoma County decreased by 22 percent from last year.