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Registrar of Voters Office

The Registrar of Voters Office is a division of the County Clerk-Recorder-Assessor’s Department, under the direction of an elected County Clerk. The Registrar of Voters Office performs a range of election-related duties, in addition to other public services that increase citizen participation and education.

November 5, 2024, General Election

Voter Quick Links

Small, clickable graphic. On left are the words, 'REGISTER TO VOTE.' On right are the words, 'VOTE CALIFORNIA REGISTERTOVOTE.CA.GOV' with the California state grizzly bear symbol. Small, clickable graphic that says 'pre-register at sixteen. vote at eighteen.' in large font, followed by '16 and 17 year olds can now pre-register to vote online.' at the bottom in much smaller font. Small, clickable graphic. On left are the words, 'CANCEL YOUR REGISTRATION.' On right is a drawing of a piece of paper with a red 'X' mark over it. Small, clickable graphic. On left are the words, 'BECOME A POLL WORKER' in large font. On right is a cartoon drawing of a bear with an 'Elections Official' tag standing to the right of a table that says, 'Polling Place Check-In.' Small, clickable graphic. On right are the words, 'MY VOTER STATUS.' On left is an outline of California's state lines with a red star. Small, clickable graphic. In center are words, 'VOTER BILL OF RIGHTS.' On left is a cartoon drawing of a bear looking head-on with an 'I Voted' sticker on its chest. On right is a drawing of a piece of paper with a quill pen writing on it. Small, clickable graphic. On right are the words 'VOTE BY MAIL INFORMATION.' On left is drawing of a hand dropping an envelope into a mailbox.