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Probation Department

Probation Committees

Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council (JJCC) Meeting

Date: July 23, 2024

Time: 3:00 - 4:30 p.m.

Webinar Information:

*Reminder:  All Committee Members must attend in-person unless an exception request has been submitted and approved*

In-Person Address:

Sonoma County Probation Administration
575 Administration Dr. #117, Large Training Room
Santa Rosa, CA

Webinar Information:

Members of the public may attend in-person, or alternatively can watch or listen to the meeting using one of the following methods:

Join the Zoom meeting application on your computer, tablet or smartphone or call-in and listen to the meeting:

Registration Required: No

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  1. Welcome and introductory roll call-Brad Michnevich
    1. Opening remarks and welcome
    2. Roll call
    3. General updates since the last meeting
      1. Juvenile Hall & Secure Youth Treatment Facility-Dan/Kilee/Kristy
  2. Action: Approval of Minutes from April 16, 2024, meeting- Brad Michnevich and Haunani Pakaki
  3. Action: Nominate a new CBO Representative Application-Brad Michnevich and Haunani Pakaki
    1. Review of the application from the City of Santa Rosa Violence Prevention Partnership
  4. Action: Review and vote to remove a Community Baptist Church-Brad Michnevich and Haunani Pakaki
  5. Discussion: System Assessment updates- Rob Halverson and Haunani Pakaki
  6. Update: Service Provider Outcomes Report-Haunani Pakaki
    1. Question: In-person preview meeting in August or wait until next meeting in October for full presentation?
  7. Question: Are there any amendments to the Bylaws?-Brad Michnevich
    1. Access the JJCC Bylaws here
  8. Public Comment: Three minutes per speaker-Brad Michnevich
  9. Questions, wrap-up, and Next Steps-Brad Michnevich

Public Comment Procedures:

Public comment is a time when any member of the public may address the Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council (JJCC).  You may email public comment to no later than five days prior to the JJCC meetings.  All emailed public comments will be forwarded to all Council Members.  

If joining as a member of the public in person, virtually, or via telephone, there will be specific points throughout the meeting assigned to public comment.  Please state your name and limit your comments to the agenda or matters not listed on the agenda, but which are subject matter of the jurisdiction.  Available time for comments is determined by the Chair based on agenda scheduling demands and total number of speakers.  Generally, speakers will be limited to three minutes.  The Chair will announce when it is your turn to speak.

Commitment to Civility:

To assure civility in its public meetings, the public is encouraged to engage in respectful dialog that supports freedom of speech and values diversity of opinion. The JJCC, staff, and members of the public are expected to establish and maintain a cordial and respectful atmosphere during discussions and foster meaningful dialogue free of personal attacks.  Members of the public must also adhere to the speaking time limit.

Reasonable Accommodation:

If you have a disability, which requires an accommodation or an alternative format to assist you in observing and commenting on this meeting, please contact the Clerk of the Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council at (707) 565-6294 or by email by 12:00 noon the Friday before the meeting to ensure arrangements for accommodation.

Instructions for turning on closed captioning on Zoom during the meeting can be found here:


Materials related to an item on the Agenda are available for public inspection in the clerk’s office at 7425 Rancho Los Guilicos Road, Dept B, Santa Rosa CA 95409, during normal business hours, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., weekdays.