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Human Resources Department

Employee Resources

4-4 Equal Employment Opportunity Policy & Complaint Procedure -Section VII: Administration

Equal Employment Opportunity Americans with Disability Act 750

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Approved: Board of Supervisors
Authority: Human Resources
Resolution: 16-0333
Revised Date: September 2016

VII: Administration

  1. Under the general direction of the Board of Supervisors, the Sonoma County Human Resources Director shall be responsible for the overall administration and coordination of this program of Equal Employment Opportunity. The Human Resources Director shall periodically monitor and analyze Sonoma County employment patterns in accordance with the Equal Employment Opportunity Program adopted by the Board of Supervisors.

    All department heads and County agencies shall cooperate with the Director in the continued implementation of this program.

  2. This Policy of Equal Employment Opportunity may be amended as needed by a majority vote of the Board of Supervisors.

  3. Each department head will post the Equal Employment Opportunity Policy on bulletin boards, so as to enable employees to avail themselves of its benefits; and he/she will endeavor to obtain the understanding and cooperation of all employees in the Program’s implementation and on-going maintenance.

  4. Department heads will notify the Director of Human Resources of any positions identified for which nonessential qualifications might discourage the employment of protected group members.

  5. All department heads will be responsible for implementing, practicing, and ensuring equal employment opportunity within his/her department.

  6. The Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Manager will counsel employees and investigate complaints of discrimination, harassment and/or retaliation in violation of this policy.

  7. The EEO staff of the Human Resources Department shall be available to explain the EEO Policy, its purpose and objectives to all County employees and applicants for employment.

  8. The Human Resources Department shall make a copy of this policy available to each employee organization and to each employee or applicant upon request. A copy of the policy shall also be posted on bulletin boards in each department and on the Human Resources Department website.

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