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Human Resources Department

Employee Resources

5-1 Vehicle Use - Operating a County Vehicle

General Services 750

Return to 5-1 Vehicle Use Policy Table of Contents

Approved: Board of Supervisors August 23, 2003
Authority: County Administrator
Resolution: 03-1000
Revised Date: July 27, 2004

Read Next: Section II, 5: Policy, Vehicle Collisions, Incidents or Damage

Section II, 4: Policy, Operating a County Vehicle 

  1. Seat Belts:  Seat belts shall be used by the driver and all passengers in a County vehicle or in a private vehicle being used on County business. [CVC 27315 (d)(1), (e)] 
  2. Child Safety Seats:  All children riding in a County vehicle shall be properly seat belted. Child safety seats shall be used as required by the California Vehicle Code. (CVC 27360 through 27364) 
  3. Vehicle Operation:  Drivers shall be familiar with the manner of operation of vehicles that they operate on County business. If drivers are unsure of the operation of their vehicle, they should check the owner’s manual in the glove box of the car or contact Fleet Operations for assistance. 
  4. Attentive Driving:  Drivers shall remain attentive to driving at all times. Use of hand held cellular phones, eating or drinking, dealing with passengers or other distractions while the vehicle is moving should be avoided. Whenever possible, drivers should pull off the road and stop when having to deal with distractions in the vehicle. 
  5. Smoking:  Smoking is prohibited in all vehicles owned, leased or operated by the County, or otherwise under the control of the Board of Supervisors in its role as a district board, per Section 32.5 and 32.7(a)(1) of the Smoking Ordinance of Sonoma County, No. 4752. 1/1994. 
  6. Alcohol Drugs and Other Intoxicants:  Consumption of alcohol, drugs or other intoxicants that may interfere with the safe operation of County vehicles and equipment or while operating a privately owned vehicle on County business is strictly prohibited. 
  7. Dangerous or Defective Vehicle: Any County owned vehicle, or privately owned vehicle while being used for County business, shall not be operated when in a known dangerous or defective condition. 
  8. Reporting an Unsafe Vehicle:  When a County vehicle is found to be in a dangerous or defective condition, it shall be reported to Fleet Operations as soon as is practical. 
  9. Visual Inspections:  Employees shall conduct a visual inspection of the County assigned vehicle or pool vehicle for damage prior to use. Any damage or safety problems observed shall be reported to Fleet Operations immediately upon discovery. 
  10. Parking County Vehicles:  All vehicles shall be legally and safely parked and locked when unattended. 
  11. Traffic Citations: Any officer or employee who receives a traffic citation other than for illegal parking while operating a County owned vehicle, or while operating a privately owned vehicle on County business, shall report such citation to his/her department head. All traffic or parking citations are the sole responsibility of the driver. 
  12. Returning Pool Vehicles:  When returning a pool vehicle to Fleet Operations the vehicle shall to be filled with fuel and the “Dispatch Form” shall be completely filled out to include date and time returned, ending odometer reading and parking space. Pool vehicles must be returned to Fleet Operations promptly.